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» Facebook Is dead
Facebook Is dead
Never heard of goggle + right? facebook service competitors who dibesut by google, no doubt making ketar ketir facebook today. facebook although recently claimed to have 600 million users worldwide, most of whom expected a fake, a disease that exists in all Internet sites. let's say one person has a minimum of 1-2 fake facebook account, then we can estimate how many users facebook truthfulness, which is around 200-300 million, worldwide. evidence? many alay roam on facebook, let's call it account bispak, bisyar, etc..
Facebook is also considered to violate the privacy of the wearer, improperly deleting the file deleted facebook account owner itself. about privacy issues still continue to roll with facebook often exploited to trap someone or whistle-blowing one's kitchen. for example: your boss can find out your true heart's content on the company, just the way you fesbuk peek and look for the status reply contains, for example, invective against his boss, etc..
Facebook is also considered to be increasingly unattractive because it limits the number of friend that we can add. whereas such thing as expanding relationships or add new friends, usually originated from the utterly unknown, but it was not possible on facebook. facebook should only add people who have been in the know only. This makes people who want to add, say, his idol, public figures. despite fan page, but the interaction is not as close, if you add it directly to the people. when one's motivation to use social networking race is a race to increase the number his friend. Such motivation pleasure you will not find anymore on facebook. ironic.
The only one who makes facebook still survived until now is a connection with a mobile phone. almost all cellphone brands currently provides a facebook application, and almost all people around the world has a cellphone.
Google+ facebook is a serious threat because it has many applications that provide google cellphone inside. rules in google facebook + also not as rigid as now, allows a person can get the pleasure that had been on the limit or not found on facebook.
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