Kucing Lagi Mandi

 Cat health is very important to all cat owners and, as we know, a clean, fresh source of drinking water is vital to cats’ health and well-being. Moving water is always more appealing than still water. It smells more fresh and tastes’s better than still water. Water in the bawl can feel stale to you cats. That’s why they prefer to drink running water from faucets in the kitchen or bathroom.
How do you Bathe your Cat 01

Despite the common belief, cat are natural swimmers. In the wild, a cat will swim to cross a stream or lake. Some wild cats in Asia even enjoy fishing. Start with yourself. Being sprayed or squirted with water isn’t fun at all. Neither is being forced into a bath. Cats just like to meet new situations on their own terms.
How do you Bathe your Cat 02 How do you Bathe your Cat 03 How do you Bathe your Cat 04 How do you Bathe your Cat 05 How do you Bathe your Cat 06 How do you Bathe your Cat 07 How do you Bathe your Cat 08 How do you Bathe your Cat 09 How do you Bathe your Cat 10 How do you Bathe your Cat 11
Cats hate water only when it is dumped on them.

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